Instance Methods


It's map, the most important method in programming! Exactly the same as ES6 map, but lazy.

const sequence: Seq<string> = Seq.infinite().map(num => num.toString())


window takes a sequence and groups it into "windows" of a certain length. This works well with infinite sequences where you want to process some number of values at a time.

// Grab numbers in groups of 10.
const sequence: Seq<number[]> = Seq.infinite().window(10)

By default, only triggers chained responses when the window fills, guaranteeing the window is the exact size expect. Set allowPartialWindow to false to allow the trailing edge of a sequence to not be divisible by the window size.

// Gives: [0, 1, 2] -> [3, 4, 5] -> [6, 7, 8] -> [9, 10]
const sequence: Seq<number> = Seq.range(0, 10).window(3)


Works like window, makes the window size 2. Groups a sequence as alternating pairs. Useful for processing data which alternates Map keys and values.

const sequence: Seq<[string, number]> = Seq.fromArray(["a", 1, "b", 2])


Ask whether a sequence is empty.

const anythingInThere: boolean = Seq.empty().isEmpty()


tap lets you run side-effect generating functions on a sequence. Allows you to "tap in to" a data flow. Very useful for logging and debugging what values are flowing through the chain at a given location.

const sequence: Seq<number> = Seq.infinite().tap(num => console.log(num))


log provides the most common use-case for `tap. Add this to a sequence chain to log each value that passes through it.

const sequence: Seq<number> = Seq.infinite().log()


Given a sequence where each item in an array of items, flatten all those arrays into a single flat sequence of values.

Works just like Array.prototype.flat. See more here.

type Person = { name: string; friends: Person[] }

const sequence: Seq<Friend> = Seq.fromArray([person1, person2])
  .map(person => person.friends)


flatMap is used when mapping a list to each items related items. For example, if you wanted to map from a list of people to each persons list of friends. Despite each mapping function returning an array, the final output is a flatten array of all the results concattenated.

Works just like Array.prototype.flatMap. See more here.

Similar to [].map().flat(), but in leisure the item mappings won't execute until enough of the resulting values have been realized to trigger each map.

type Person = { name: string; friends: Person[] }

const sequence: Seq<Friend> = Seq.fromArray([person1, person2]).flatMap(
  person => person.friends,


Runs a predicate function on each item in a sequence to produce a new sequence where only the values which responded with true remain.

Exactly the same as Array.prototype.filter, but lazy. See more here.

// Create a sequence of only even numbers.
const sequence: Seq<number> = Seq.infinite().filter(num => num % 2 === 0)


Combines the current sequence with 1 or more additional sequences.

Exactly the same as Array.prototype.concat, but lazy. See more here.

const sequence: Seq<number> = Seq.fromArray([0, 1]).concat(
  Seq.fromArray([2, 3]),
  Seq.fromArray([4, 5]),


Takes 1 or more sequences and creates a new sequence built by pulling the next value from each of the sequences in order.

// Builds: a -> 1 -> b -> 2 -> c -> 3
const sequence: Seq<string | number> = Seq.fromArray([
]).interleave(Seq.range(1, 3))


Given a sequence, place a value between each value of the original sequence. Useful for adding punctuation between strings.

// Builds: Apples -> , -> Oranges -> , -> Bananas
const sequence: Seq<string> = Seq.fromArray([
]).interpose(", ")



Given a sequence, only forwards the values which have no already been seen. Very similar to lodash's uniq method.

// Builds: 1 -> 2 -> 3 -> 4
const sequence: Seq<number> = Seq.fromArray([1, 2, 3, 2, 1, 4]).distinct()


Same as distinct, but allows a function to describe on what value the sequence should be unique.

// Builds: { firstName: "A", lastName: "Z" } ->
//         { firstName: "B", lastName: "Y" } ->
//         { firstName: "C", lastName: "W" }
type Person = { firstName: string; lastName: string }
const sequence: Seq<Person> = Seq.fromArray([
  { firstName: "A", lastName: "Z" },
  { firstName: "B", lastName: "Y" },
  { firstName: "A", lastName: "X" },
  { firstName: "C", lastName: "W" },
]).distinctBy(person => person.firstName)


Given a sequence, splits the values into two separate sequences. One represents the values where the partition function is true and the other for false.

const [isEven, isOdd] = Seq.infinite().partitionBy(num => num % 2 === 0)


Lazily checks if the sequence includes a value.

Exactly the same as Array.prototype.includes, but lazy. See more here.

const doesItInclude = Seq.infinite().includes(10)


Lazily searches for a value that matches the predicate.

Exactly the same as Array.prototype.find, but lazy. See more here.

// Returns 11
const gtTen = Seq.infinite().find(num => num > 10)


Exactly the same as Array.prototype.reduce. See more here. This causes a full realization of the data. Not lazy.

// Returns 0 + 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 = 10
const sum = Seq.infinite()
  .reduce((sum, num) => sum + num)


This method is helpful for chaining. Shocking, I know. Let's you "map" the entire sequence in a chain, rather than per-each-item. Allows adding arbitrary sequence helpers and methods to chain, even if they are written in user-land and not on the Seq prototype.

// Same as `Seq.interpose(Seq.infinite(), Seq.infinite())`
const sequence = Seq.infinite().chain(seq => seq.interpose(Seq.infinite()))


Exactly the same as Array.prototype.some, but lazy. See more here.

// Find the first even random number.
const areAnyEven = Seq.random()
  .map(num => Math.round(num * 1000))
  .some(num => num % 2 === 0)


Exactly the same as Array.prototype.every, but lazy. See more here.

// Fails fast if there are negative numbers
const areAllPositive = Seq.random()
  .map(num => Math.round(num * 1000) - 500)
  .every(num => num > 0)


Given a sequence of unknown length, create a sub sequence of just the first X number of items.

// Grabs 0 -> 1 -> 2 -> 3 -> 4
const firstFive = Seq.infinite().take(5)


Given a sequence of unknown length, create a sub sequence of as many items in a row that satisfy the predicate.

// Gives 0 -> 1 -> 2 -> 3 -> 4
const lessThanFive = Seq.infinite().takeWhile(num => num < 5)


Given a sequence of unknown length, skips the first X number of items.

// Gives 5 -> 6 -> 7 -> 8 -> 9
const secondFive = Seq.infinite().skip(5).take(5)


Given a sequence of unknown length, skip as many items in a row that satisfy the predicate.

// Gives 5 -> 6 -> 7 -> 8 -> 9
const greaterThanFive = Seq.infinite()
  .skipWhile(num => num < 5)


Returns the nth item. Items are 1-indexed.

const thirdItem = Seq.infinite().nth(3)


Returns the index item. Items are 0-indexed.

const fourthItem = Seq.infinite().index(3)


Gets the first value in the sequence.

const fifth = Seq.infinite().skip(4).first()


Lazily combines a second sequence with this current one to produce a tuple with the current step in each of the two positions. Useful for zipping a sequence of keys with a sequence of values, before converting to a Map of key to value.

const seq2 = Seq.range(0, 3)

// Gives: ["zero", 0] -> ["one", 1] -> ["two", 2] -> ["three", 3]
const sequence: Seq<[string, number]> = Seq.fromArray([


Takes a second sequence and lazily combines it to produce an arbitrary value by mapping the current value of the two positions through a user-supplied function. Useful for table (row/col) math.

const seq2 = Seq.repeat(2)

// Gives: 0 -> 2 -> 4 -> 6
const sequence: Seq<number> = Seq.range(0, 3).zipWith(
  ([num, multiplier]) => num * multiplier,


Takes two sequences and lazily combines them with this one to produce a 3-tuple with the current step in each of the three positions.

const seq2 = Seq.range(0, 3)
const seq3 = Seq.range(3, 0)

// Gives: ["zero", 0, 3] -> ["one", 1, 2] -> ["two", 2, 1] -> ["three", 3, 0]
const sequence: Seq<[string, number]> = Seq.fromArray([
]).zip2(seq2, seq3)


Takes two sequences and lazily combine them with this sequence to produce an arbitrary value by mapping the current value of the three positions through a user-supplied function.

const seq2 = Seq.repeat(2)
const seq3 = Seq.repeat(1)

// Gives: 0 -> 2 -> 4 -> 6
const sequence: Seq<number> = Seq.range(0, 3).zip2With(
  ([num, multiplier, divisor]) => (num * multiplier) / divisor,


Converts the sequence to a real JavaScript array. Realizes the entire sequence.

const lessThanTen = Seq.infinite().take(10).toArray()


Works just like Array.prototype.forEach. See more here. Realizes the full sequence.


Given a sequence of numbers, adds them all together. This realizes the entire sequence.

// Returns 0 + 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 = 10
const sum = Seq.infinite().take(5).sum()


Given a sequence of arbitrary data, adds together the result of the mapping function. This realizes the entire sequence.

// Returns 0 + 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 = 10
const sum = Seq.fromArray([
  { balance: 0 },
  { balance: 1 },
  { balance: 2 },
  { balance: 3 },
  { balance: 4 },
]).sumBy(user => user.balance)


<div data-gb-custom-block data-tag="tab" data-title='Type Definition'>

type sumBy = (fn: (value: T) => number) => number;


Given a sequence of numbers, averages them all together. Tise realizes the entire sequence.

// Returns (0 + 1 + 2 + 3 + 4) / 5 = 2
const sum = Seq.infinite().take(5).average()


Given a sequence of arbitrary data, averages together the result of the mapping function. This realizes the entire sequence.

// Returns (0 + 1 + 2 + 3 + 4) / 5 = 2
const sum = Seq.fromArray([
  { balance: 0 },
  { balance: 1 },
  { balance: 2 },
  { balance: 3 },
  { balance: 4 },
]).averageBy(user => user.balance)


Given a non-infinite sequence, return a Map which counts the occurances of each unique value. This realizes the entire sequence.

// Returns a Map of numbers from 0->100 and how many times they randomly occured in this set of 500.
const freq = Seq.random()
  .map(num => Math.round(num * 100))


Group a sequence by the return of a mapping function. This realizes the entire sequence.

// Random generates 1000 years between 0-2000 and
// groups them by decade.
const groupedByDecade = Seq.random()
  .map(num => Math.round(num * 2000))
  .groupBy(year => Math.round(year / 10))

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